Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Becoming a dad

So for years my husband has been far from a morning person and a nigh owl to to the Nth degree. Well babies don't follow that same schedule. We start bedtime with a shower, a book, and 40 minutes of nursing usually around 7:15pm so bedtime is about 8 or 8:15. This means that she wakes up for feeding at about 5AM. Now my husband is wonderful and he gets up and gets her for these 5AM wake ups and brings her to me. Lately she hasn't been as quick to go back to sleep so has taken to singing in our bed after eating. This is where I say Joe is becoming a dad.

Instead of laying in bed and sleeping through her singing he has just decided that it's easier to get up to start his day. That means that today he called his boss at 6AM! I don't think he has ever done work at 6AM in his life. He admitted that he would rather do work now a days at 6AM then 6PM. We discussed this change last night and he said, "but I have never worked this way before." I responded with, " well you've never had a baby before. These are dad hours and you are becoming a dad in work as well. What a transformation!

1 comment:

HarmSkills said...

I gave you an award! check it out http://baby-to-go.blogspot.com/2010/04/my-first-award.html