So here are the rules of the Happy 101 Award:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. List who gave the award to you and use a link to her blog (or hyperlink)
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.
Ten things that make me happy (in no particular order):
1. Sleeping - as a mom of a seven month old sleep is something that I never get enough of and never take for granted anymore. I also have a wonderful bed!
2. The Shower - The shower is just a great relaxer for me and its one of the few times that I get to be alone!
3. My family back east - My husband and I will have been married 5 years this July and we have owned four homes already. Our move here to Ohio was the farthest from home and its so hard to be away from them!
4. My playgroup - these women have been with me and by my side every week since baby K was just a few weeks old. We've watched our children get their first teeth, roll over for the first time, taste their first solid meals, sleep through the night the first time, etc, etc, etc. I don't know what I would do without these ladies.
5. Pizza from Connecticut - particularly Colony or Pepe's. Unless you've had them you just wouldn't understand
6. A good steak & a big glass of a rich red wine - need I say more!
7. A clean house - I'm a horrible housekeeper and thus I never have a clean house. The twice a month that the cleaning lady comes are just wonderful days to come home to!
8. Travelling - I love flying (even with a baby - she is really good on planes) and I love to go to new places or places that I don't get to get to enough
9. My baby - She is so smiley, even when tired you can get her to smile or giggle. She just lights up my world. I love being a mom, even more than I thought I would.
10. My husband - how could he not make this list. No one else in the world knows how to make me happy the way he does. He is my support, my sounding board, my teammate, my partner, and to sound extra cheesy - my everything. I love him more everyday.
Other blogs that make me Happy & deserve this award:
This Adventure, Our Life - this mom has great photos of her little one, her daughter is almost exactly the same age as our daughter and we recently decided that is our second child is a girl, we too will name her Bailey
All & Sundry - I've been reading/lurking around this blog for a few years now and I love how she keeps it real about motherhood and the craziness of kids
Pics & Kicks - I started reading this blog because I loved her photography and then she lost Gavin earlier in the year and I can't tear myself away from her words
and a new recent favorite - Home Sweet Home - food, kids, crafts, sewing....this is all up my alley!
Thank you soo much for the award and nice words! We love the name Bailey :)!!
aww! thanks!
I do love your blog! Im glad sleep made the top of the list, its so true! Look forward to reading more about K!
ps 4 homes in 5 years??? WTH!!!!
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