The Hooke's also came to visit for a week. Joe Sr. was great about taking care of Bear as he always is whenever he comes to visit. I wished he had felt more comfortable holding Kirsten. I know he wanted to based on his love for her, but he expressed to my husband that he was a bit afraid. I wish guys weren't so afraid. They aren't really that fragile as long as you you don't drop them :) Mary helped me with the household chores as well as cleaning up my garden. This was a huge favor. I hate the part of gardening that requires hard labor and she does such a great job of it. I really can't thank her enough for getting all that cleaned up and thrown out.
We've gone to Rudner's wedding and Kirsten got to meet her cousin's for the first time. They were beyond loving to her and it warmed my heart to see them with her. They couldn't stop touching her and loving her. It was so nice to see - especially Thomas. Boys always seem so afraid of babies and it was nice to see him not afraid what so ever.
Kirsten seems to be developing OK. She holds her head up great and this allows her to sit up a bit. She had some crazy poop today that was foamy. I don't just mean a little foamy - it was like it had been made in a restaurant by a designer chef foamy. Both her Ped. and the LC think it had to do with the fact that I ate broccoli with dinner last night. There goes that vegetable for a bit :)
Mentally I'm doing pretty good. I am amazed at how much we sleep and how well she is doing. We tried something new tonight which is at her typical 7pm fussy time - put her to bed (which I must note is still in her swing - but exclusively her swing). Which worked. We then had a peaceful dinner and after she woke up at 9:15 for her next feeding, she went right back to sleep and we are watching the game. If this can be a routine - that will make me very happy. Now to just transfer her from the swing to the crib - I think I might wait until after Thanksgiving or even Christmas. Swaddling though works like a charm.
On a totally different note - I have a new dessert love - Pumpkin pudding - YUMM-O! Getting ready for Halloween!

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